The Basic Infertile Pattern is an unchanging pattern (day after day) of your fertility symptoms (sensation and appearance combined) and reflects cervical inactivity. In cycles of average length it is recognized by one of two possible patterns:
Unchanging dryness, or
Dry vulva with a small amount of discharge seen, and which is the same every day.
Non-dry vulva with a small amount of discharge seen, and which is the same every day.
Your Basic Infertile Pattern remains the same day after day, cycle after cycle.
Figure (a) shows how the chart appears before a BIP with discharge is recognised. Figure (b) shows how the pattern of unchanging discharge is charted after the BIP is recognised.
Long Cycles and Breastfeeding
A long cycle is defined as longer than 35 days. If long cycles occur continuously or there is breastfeeding (no ovulation) then the BIP may be a combination of both types of pattern.
Point of Change
The BIP is interrupted when there is a change in either sensation or the appearance of the discharge or both. If you are fertile the BIP is ultimately interrupted by a changing developing pattern leading to the Peak of fertility.