Personal Instruction in the Billings Method
The web service is free to those who agree to have their anonymous records used for our research into computer-based learning of the Billings Method. Otherwise there is a two week free trial period, and then a one-off charge of $20. Either way, you receive automated guidance and can chart for as long as you wish.
App users only play the purchase price of the app.
You can get assistance on-line from a Billings Method fertility educator. Just use the Send Message button in the main menu, enter your question and tap the Submit button. You will receive a reply message within 24 hours.
If you know of a teacher who is registered with billingsMentor there is a button in the main menu whereby you can make your fertility records available to the teacher. You must make arrangements with the teacher independently of billingsMentor. There is same communication method with the teacher as described above.
No personal identifying information is contained in your fertility records.

Copyright © 2015
billingsMentor was first released as a web service in 2009 and has been under continuous monitoring, improvement and development. The first cell phone app was released in 2015.